Friday 1 January 2016

Keeping those New Year resolutions

So many people make resolutions at the beginning of the year and then forget/give up by June.
I for one am guilty of this! Mainly we set ourselves too hard, seemingly impossible tasks to achieve. Here are some tips to help them seem more achievable:

1. Don't set yourself too hard challenges in the first place!

2. If there is one really big thing you want to do, like getting fitter or quitting something, then just focus on that one thing and don't make loads of other resolutions in case you get side-tracked.

3. Believe you can do it. That sounds cheesy but a lot of the time the reason why people give up is because they start off thinking it is impossible and they will never be able to do it. If you follow the advice of the first 2 tips and then believe you will be able to do it.

4. Break it down into smaller steps working up to the original resolution. If you said you would workout everyday, then start of by working out three times a week, adding on another day each fortnight? Within 10 weeks you will have reached your goal.

5. To make you keep to this smaller steps method, write down on your calendar each day you are going to do it, then stick a gold star or something next to each day you manage. Adapt this method to what ever your resolution is.

6. Don't give up at small things

7. Tell friends and family so they can help you to achieve this.

8. Obviously this isn't going to work with everybody but I hope it helps somebody! Remember, you have to really want it and stick to it. Good luck!

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